Frank Rizzo—Philadelphia, PA, USA

A statue to the former Philadelphia Police Commissioner was removed by city action in Philadelphia, PA

After protests and vandalism of the statue during the Uprising of 2020, the city removed the statue of Frank Rizzo across from Philadelphia City Hall.1 Discussions to remove the statue date back at least to 2016,2 when the activist group Philly for R.E.A.L. Justice created the hashtag #FrankRizzoDown. In 2017 it was announced that the city would move the statue.3 Yet in mid-2020, the statue remained. The sculptor of the statue, Zenos Frudakis, supported its removal.4

Frank Rizzo was a noted racist who once told Philadelphians to “vote white."5 He openly disdained minority communities in Philadelpha.6


  1. Frank Rizzo Statue Is Removed In Philadelphia: ‘It Is Finally Gone,’ Mayor Says ↩︎

  2. Every Thursday: Frank Rizzo Down ↩︎

  3. Destination unknown: Philly to move Rizzo statue ↩︎

  4. The Man Who Made the Rizzo Statue Has His Own Surprising Ideas About What to Do With It ↩︎

  5. He once told Philadelphia to ‘vote white.’ Now the protests have brought his statue down. ↩︎

  6. Frank Rizzo’s Statue Was An Ode To White Supremacy — & It Never Should Have Existed ↩︎

Photo Credit: CBS Philly